Industry Insights From the 2022 Honeywell Integrated Security End-User Forum

In recent years as commercial integrated security solutions have become more advanced, complex and networked-based, many manufacturers have reached out more to the end user as a means to not only achieve what has been termed “pull-through” business for themselves and their systems integrator partners, but especially to help create a more optimized, seamless channel.

One manufacturer that has long been dialed into that approach and dynamic is Honeywell. More than two decades ago, the company established a commercial security end-user group to provide input and feedback on its products and technology roadmap, as well as receive specialized training.

The objective of today’s HIS, or Honeywell Integrated Security, End User Group is to exchange ideas, information and experiences to help members realize the full benefits of their Pro-Watch access control and MAXPRO video surveillance products as well as help shape the future of their development.

I first learned of this initiative through my friend and colleague, Honeywell Commercial Security General Manager Rick Koscinski, and was intrigued by what he shared. He told me about the group’s HIS End-User Forum and although I have long had the pleasure of participating in Honeywell dealer and integrator conferences, I had not attended this end-user event.

That recently changed when Rick invited me as the lone media representative to attend the 2022 HIS End-User Forum, which was held in Charlotte, N.C., where earlier this year Honeywell opened up its new, technologically state-of-the-art headquarters building.

I took advantage of this golden opportunity to gain a firsthand perspective of security end-user needs and challenges as well as observe the great relationship Honeywell has with these high-level users, some of whom have been part of this group for more than 20 years. The HIS End-User Group currently numbers more than 300 members, most representing Fortune 500 companies, with some 100 of them in attendance.

I was also able to tour Honeywell’s impressive new facility that is located directly across from the Carolina Panthers’ football stadium. Not only is it equipped with the latest in frictionless access control, leading-edge video surveillance and the latest in building automation, but it has been designed as a showcase for prospective customers and other interested parties with interactive technology features, exhibits and displays.

In this special onsite Security Speaking podcast, I interviewed recently named Honeywell Commercial Security President Daraius Patell and Chief Technology Officer & Chief Product Officer Kinnera Angadi about the HIS End-User Forum, what’s new with the business and changing technology.

We then get to hear from the other side of the partnership with HIS End-User Group Vice Chairman Bhavesh Patel of Sanofi. He was one of the program’s three founding members more than 20 years ago. And stick around afterwards as Honeywell Applications Engineering Leader for North America Greg Tomasko explains some of the high-tech features of Honeywell’s new headquarters building.

To hear what they had to say, watch or listen to this special onsite edition of SSI’s Security Speaking below.








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