PPVAR Roundtable Explains Path to Beating Back False Dispatches

SSI’s October publication, which you can view here, served as our annual Alarm Response Issue. You can find the latest on such important industry subjects like video and audio verification, the mission critical ASAP-to-PSAP program and much more.

In this edition of the Security Speaking podcast, we feature an Alarm Response Issue roundtable hosted by SSI Senior Editor Rodney Bosch, which delved into the inner workings of the Partnership for Priority Verified Alarm Response (PPVAR).

The organization was established to educate all electronic security stakeholders on the value of video and audio to verify alarm activity during the dispatch process and ultimately reduce false alarms and increase apprehension rates for intrusion alarm customers.

Bosch is joined by joined by Joey Rao-Russell, the PPVAR immediate past president who serves as president and CEO of Kimberlite Corp., an independent Sonitrol franchise; Thomas Nakatani, the current PPVAR president who serves as vice president of customer monitoring technology for ADT; and, retired Hollywood (Fla.) Police Chief Frank Fernandez who is a PPVAR board member.

Check out the roundtable below, listen or download it directly from SSI, or listen to it via your streaming platform of choice to learn about top challenges facing the video verified alarm movement, top opportunities, emerging and disruptive technologies transforming the alarm response, and much more.





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