Roundtable: Unmasking Integration’s Future

For more than 10 years, Security Sales & Integration’s annual integrator roundtable has been conducted during the PSA TEC event in Denver to provide the market an intimate view of current trends, challenges, opportunities and more.

Although due to pandemic implications the session was held virtually for the second year in a row, the discourse took place just hours after the CDC announced substantial easing of pandemic-prompted facemask requirements and recommendations. That truly set the stage for a lively conversation with fewer uncertainties than in the recent past.

Ahead, SSI Editor-in-Chief Scott Goldfine hears this year’s panelists, Bert Bongard, president and CEO of Minneapolis-headquartered LVC Companies; Louis Boulgarides, president and CEO of Ollivier Corp. of Los Angeles; and Fabiola Francisco, director of client success for Condortech Services in Fairfax, Va., compare notes for post-pandemic success and more.

You can watch the full conversation in the latest edition of Security Speaking below, or listen or download it directly from SSI. You can also listen to it via your streaming platform of choice. A condensed version of the discussion can be read here.





Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series
Strategy & Planning Series