Eliminate the Blight of False Alarms and Transform Control Room Operations

IDIS Deep Learning Analytics and new VMS features enable a proactive response to incidents and dramatically speed up investigations
Published: June 8, 2020

Customers can now benefit from the power of IDIS Deep Learning Analytics (IDLA) to strengthen security and safety and take a proactive approach to tackling crime. Many traditional onboard camera analytics deliver false positive alarms caused by weather or other environmental factors making them a curse for many control room staff. The problem is compounded for large sties as it can lead to wasting time dispatching guards to investigate or once overwhelmed, operators will often shut down alerts altogether. And false alarms, also mean outsourced monitoring services inevitably become more expensive due to the number of call outs or services may even be withdrawn until remedial action is taken.

AI Object, Intrusion, and Loitering Detection

IDLA can eliminate all these challenges as well as deliver significant benefits and a rapid return on investment. The IDIS AI engine uses algorithms that analyze vast amounts of data points taken from video footage across single or multiple cameras simultaneously. This allows users to first classify people and objects, so that IDLA can detect and then identify an event or threat, while filtering out video noise. This gives control room operators the ability to proactively focus on responding to suspicious behavior such as loitering, and preempting theft and other criminal activity as well ensuring they rapidly react and investigate real incidents and emergencies.

Speeding Up Investigations with Metadata Filtering

IDLA takes attributes of vehicles and people, such as the number in a group of people or cars involved in an incident as well as color and saves this as metadata alongside footage. Users can now exploit the power of this metadata to speed up investigation time with IDIS Instant Meta Filtering (IMF). Operators can easily collate footage, with IDIS IMF scanning hours of recorded video from multiple streams, to identify relevant scenes and footage. This makes it easy to search video data to track a person or vehicle, cutting through large volumes of video data to reveal the movements and last-known locations of persons or vehicles of interest.

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New VMS Tools Enabling Intuitive Navigation

IDIS has also enhanced its cost- and license-free IDIS Center VMS with MapVue, an easy-to-use search function that speeds up operator navigation across building layouts and floor plans. Its intuitive interface helps operators to play back video streams across multi-camera systems, while maintaining an overview perspective of their facilities’ layouts and camera positions. MapVue also provides easy bookmarking, allowing operators to search the recorded data for persons and activity of interest. Bookmarked footage can then be saved in an Excel file, creating a library of video clips.

Delivering a Promise of Low Total Cost of Ownership

IDLA combined with IMF and MapVue gives customers a high level of detection, while delivering significant labor efficiencies by reducing investigations from days or hours to just minutes. For busy security departments, this means less time spent staring at screens and more time focused on staying one step ahead of criminals.

These new innovations act as a force multiplier in making security teams more efficient and enables them to be engaged with more important and rewarding duties. And when combined with IDIS signature plug-and-play technology, built-in failover, award-winning camera controls, backward and forward capability, and industry-leading warranties, customers are assured of a futureproof solution with low costs across the lifecycle their surveillance investments.

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