Ready to Take the Hill for Security Sales

Published: February 28, 2001

Now I know how Roger Clemens must have felt a couple of years ago when he first put on a New York Yankees uniform. Although the five-time Cy Young winner had already established himself as a future Hall-of-Famer, it wasn’t until he joined the Bronx Bombers that he was finally able to add a World Series title to his credits.

Having recently joined the fine staff of Security Sales, I, too, am eager to breathe in the sweet smell of success and sip champagne from the glass of a champion. Like “The Rocket,” I bring with me many years of award-winning experience, including several prestigious publishing honors.

SSI Newsletter

Although I am new to security, I am a seasoned veteran of trade publications. Thanks to my 10-year tour as publisher of Rental Equipment Register (RER), I am quite familiar with the nature of business-to-business publishing. In fact, there are a number of significant parallels that can be drawn between the equipment rental and security industries.

Both consist of manufacturers and distributors marketing and selling equipment to dealers, who in turn combine those products with their services to meet the needs of end users. Both industries have several trade associations, conventions and conferences. In addition, the rental equipment industry is similar to security in that technological change and corporate consolidation impact it as well.

I look forward to exploring these and many other topics and trends in the pages of Security Sales, as well as on our Web site and through our E-newsletters. An important component to that discovery is learning how you, the reader, view today’s security landscape. I intend to accomplish this by speaking with you face-to-face at industry events, such as the 2001 International Security Conference and Exposition (ISC) West April 4-6 in Las Vegas.

I’ve heard the show can be somewhat overwhelming for ISC rookies. So, if you see me running around like a chicken with its head cut off or looking dazed like a deer caught in headlights, please help reel me in by introducing yourself and sharing your thoughts and opinions with me. Hopefully, my experience attending massive conventions like the American Rental Association Trade Show and Convention will help keep me grounded!

I feel extremely fortunate to be joining a team as rock-solid and with as storied a history as Security Sales. My pitch is to not only maintain but also strengthen the magazine’s stranglehold on its position as the industry’s leading information resource.
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to forge winning partnerships with the suppliers and dealers comprising the security industry, an industry that I understand can be as fiercely competitive as a September pennant race. I firmly believe that, together, with Security Sales as your most valuable player, we can build a dynasty of champions.

Now, let’s PLAY BALL!

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