Security Essentials With An ROI

Traditional locks and keys have been optimized to improve security and reduce the costs associated with managing a key system.
Published: July 25, 2017

Mechanical key systems are an essential in facility security for a reason: they’re still the most economical and easily deployed physical access solution. The significant drawback however, is that keys can be lost or stolen, compromising security and requiring locks to be rekeyed. Depending on the size of a facility, this can be a costly and time consuming endeavor to manage, placing security in jeopardy during the process of changing the locks and keys, and resulting in un-budgeted expense.

We’ve optimized the traditional mechanical key system by pairing user-rekeyable locks with restricted, individually serialized keys. User-rekeyable technology simplifies the lock change process and reduces costs exponentially because InstaKey locks can be changed in seconds with just the turn of a key, without having to remove cores or lock hardware. InstaKey key blanks are not available on the open marketplace, and distribution is tightly restricted to ensure that keys cannot be duplicated without authorization. Additionally, each key blank receives a unique serial number at the point of manufacture. So, InstaKey Clients can be confident keys cannot be duplicated, and they can track and identify keys uniquely to ensure key control is maintained. And if a key does go missing, authorized personnel can rekey the affected locks in seconds. Each user-rekey is less than a quarter of the cost of the traditional rekey process, and InstaKey cylinders retrofit into most existing hardware formats.

We continue to enhance our Key Control Program to maximize cost savings and optimize efficiency for our Clients through our patented, cloud-based key tracking software. This web-accessible key control tool acts as an indispensable window into all aspects of the Client’s Key Control Program, and allows them to quickly perform audits, share system information, or measure Program productivity with ease, using an interactive dashboard that provides a global view of the Client’s keyed environment. Customized charts reflect aggregate key control data allowing users the ability to react to program non-compliance or exceptions at a glance. can even be adapted to manage non-InstaKey key systems.

At InstaKey, we believe in managing the Client’s key system as a Program built on a foundation of best practices we have developed in partnership with our many valued customers. So whether the Client’s aim is to manage their system on their own using the many tools available in the InstaKey Key Control Program, or, if resource constraints require this to be outsourced, InstaKey helps, with dedicated, professional Program Administration to manage the program continuously offer best practices and suggestions to keep costs down.

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