System Surveyor Excited to Show Off What’s New at ISC West 2024

Company will unveil a new version of System Surveyor 2.0 and new features for its mobile app at the biggest security show in the U.S.
Published: April 3, 2024

System Surveyor will have lots of new and exciting products and announcements in their booth (#26077) when the security industry comes together in Las Vegas April 9-12 for ISC West. Maureen Carlson, co-founder and vice president of growth for the company, shared some of the highlights with SSI.

What is a leading product or offering that System Surveyor is showing off at ISC West this year? What makes it unique or special?

Carlson: We’re excited to show the next generation of System Surveyor 2.0. It is the industry’s favorite, easy-to-use site survey and system design platform that comes with a mobile tablet app for the field for easy site walks and synchronizes to the web for collaboration and work back at the office.

System integrators import a floorplan, drag-and-drop pre-built icons, capture pictures, and share professional, visual system design and proposals with customers in a fraction of the time of doing it manually. Their customers love the digital designs and make faster decisions.  It’s like designing on steroids with less effort.

Are there any other products or offerings you would like to highlight?

Carlson: System Surveyor will be showing new features of our mobile tablet app on iOS/iPad and Android as well as advances on our web user interface.  We’ll share exciting collaboration use cases and new partnerships with manufacturers for easy, intelligent drag-and-drop design.  We’ll announce new affiliate manufacturer partners such as Eagle Eye Networks and how to get their catalog to automate a bill of materials.

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What else is new or noteworthy about System Surveyor for 2024?

Carlson: System Surveyor continues to grow with our community of system integrator users, end users, and manufacturer partners. This past year and looking ahead, more of our customers are standardizing on our platform as one of their core B2B Software applications to run their business more efficiently and to capitalize on the opportunity. As a SaaS platform, we’re always delivering new features that are in high demand and driven from our customer community.

In other exciting news, we’re launching our first System Surveyor Certification training opportunity at PSA TEC on Tuesday, May 14 in Dallas.  This will be a great way to add to professional certifications.  Find the session and register here.

What is System Surveyor’s overall value proposition for security dealers/integrators? Why should they do business with you?

Carlson: System Surveyor is a game-changer for system integrators and dealers. The top things they tell us:

  • Integrators look more professional with their customers with a digital floor plan and clean system design resulting in faster and more accurate designs and proposals (reduce time in half 50% to design and get out proposals in days versus weeks).
  • System Surveyor helps them win more business without multiple bids because they provide a high value experience. A 20% improvement or more in sales close rate.
  • They establish higher value, long-term working relationship with their customers using System Surveyor and a dynamic digital as-built by inviting them in and using the platform to provide services and new project design, products and implementation.
  • System Surveyor becomes the single source of truth for the customer’s physical security system that will undergo change over the coming years.

What do you see as some of the top opportunities in the marketplace right now?

Carlson: There is so much demand for new and retrofit solutions but the challenge is having qualified labor, processes, and speed to meet it.  System integrators will need to refine their processes and use purpose-built software to automate more of the process and leverage relationships with manufacturers (who are delivering advances in AI and other technologies) to ensure they are designing and proposing the right solutions.

No one group has all the answers, there will need to be more collaboration with SIs, End Users and Manufacturers to streamline design and solutions.  We blog about these topics regularly and invite your readers to follow us at

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Carlson: We invite our growing System Surveyor Community to come and meet the team in person.  We value the input of our Community and our users are the key drivers of where we take the software into the future.  We’ll also be looking for more manufacturer and software integrations using our API to ensure that we can help system integrators and end users to become more efficient and streamlined. Anyone can try System Surveyor for free forever and decide if it’s right for them.

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