The Cloud Can Be Nebulous and Scary, but Amazon Web Services Are Growing at Almost 80%

ISONAS Pure IP Access Control and new Cloud-based software provide unlimited opportunities for integrator partners and consumers.
Published: June 1, 2016

Our world has changed and the security industry is changing with it. Data now rules, and the network is king. The “Internet of Things” is driving expectations and shaping requirements for everyone in all markets, making the user experience king. Simultaneously, the ISONAS advances in panel-less pure IP technologies have allowed our customers to redefine the applications of access control.  These two colliding forces have put us all in the business of managing access points and delivering real-time data from anywhere at any time….any access point, with new types of data. We, as leaders in the access control market, can no longer think in doors, panels, and controllers or on premise software.

Technology leaders and analysts agree there will be over 25 billion connected devices in use by 2020, creating a $4 trillion revenue opportunity. In access control this now means that we must use open platforms to share information at a rate that we have never experienced. Along with this more and more software applications in our daily lives continue to be hosted in the cloud. Think online banking, Nest, Salesforce and now your access control. Amazon Web services launched in 2006 and in 2015 saw over 78% growth, pointing to the fact that the cloud is now becoming an accepted way to deploy software platforms. 

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In the last few years, IP video surveillance outpaced analog technology and is now more than 50% of the annual sales. The same way video surveillance moved from analog to IP, access control is now following the same path but at a more rapid pace of transition. This same transition is taking place with Cloud based software. The security of the cloud is being validated by Amazon’s Web Services growth of almost 80%. 

What are the benefits of the cloud and why is it growing so rapidly?

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  1. Flexibility – Cloud computing takes advantage of the exponentially large number of web enabled mobile devices allowing you managed access and information when and where you need it.
  2. Disaster Recovery – Knowing that your documents and other data are safely stored and shared in the cloud provides peace of mind that important information is readily available even in the event of an IT disaster.
  3. Automatic Software Updates – Cloud computing voids the need to schedule software updates and new installs.  Real time updates are automatic and complication free.
  4. Increased Collaboration and Managed Access – Sharing information and accessing software over the internet promotes internal and external collaboration within an organization.
  5. Capital Expenditure Free – Costly investments in servers and other expensive hardware is eliminated.  Bonus benefit = total ease of use and management.

At ISONAS, we have a culture of pushing technologies into the next frontier.  Our Pure IP hardware solution continues to take access control to the next level, and our latest software product, Pure Access, follows this same philosophy. Pure Access is a fully hosted cloud-based, access control platform that provides full installation, administration, and management of our Pure IP access control solution. The modern user interface establishes a new standard for ease of use in managing an unlimited number of access points across any geography through a mobile device, tablet or modern browser. It also provides our certified integrator partners an opportunity to provide a very high level of service to their customers through an off-the-shelf, managed access control platform that empowers their existing RMR model.

The simple installation and management of an IP access control system with a cloud software provides the industry with the next level of access control, a simple and easy installation and a no hassle software platform, hosted by ISONAS. The time is now to adopt today’s secure, scalable, and off the shelf technologies. We adopt it in every part of our lives from our computing, our mobile lives, video surveillance, and our integrated homes. Access control is in rapid growth mode using Pure IP technologies, and it will dominate the market as other technologies before it. The integrators and end users of today who are adopting it will own this future.

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