Voice Notification – The Message Matters

If you are using voice notification to manage an emergency, the message matters. Specifically, the clarity and intelligibility of the voice message.
Published: September 28, 2022

The primary method used to warn people of an emergency is by utilizing alert tones, which has been the case for many years. In the event of a fire, the familiar fire alarm tone will broadcast through a building to alert occupants to evacuate. However, in today’s ever-changing world, the threats we face are more than just fire, and a clear and authoritative voice message is required to distinguish the type of threat. For example, imagine a convention center or high ambient wide-open area, and a voice message is broadcasted providing important information. Typically, the response is confusion and questioning, “Did you catch that?” A common comparison can be made to the teacher in the Charlie Brown cartoons… “wah, wah, wah, wah.”

With the increasing need and changing notification requirements, it is imperative that a voice system is not just implemented, but also heard and understand. Voice notification is a lifesaving investment, and should not be wasted or made ineffective by inadequate devices with sub-par voice clarity. A delay in response during an emergency, caused by questioning the message or not understanding, is life threatening. When immediate action is needed to ensure all occupants make it to safety – every second counts.

HyperSpike® has been providing highly intelligible voice notification to the emergency notification market since 2009. Our passion is to ensure emergency notifications are heard and direct everyone out of harm’s way. The most important component of voice notification is the acoustic parameter of voice intelligibility. Achieving voice intelligibility involves numerous factors such as, speaker device quality, ambient noise in the environment, reverberation, obstructions, and topography. HyperSpike has years of experience maximizing and improving voice intelligibility and provide best-in-class speakers and/or engineering and consulting services to help maximize notification system performance. Contact us to learn more about how to improve your next voice notification project and ensure your students, employees, patients, and guests receive the message loud and clear.

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