Why Pelco’s Partnership with IBM Analytics Leads to New Strides in the Surveillance Industry

Wondered about where the surveillance industry is headed? Read to find out how intelligent analytics helps to create safer cities for years to come.
Published: September 18, 2018

With the advent of AI and predictive analytics, there is no question that the surveillance industry is seeing a new era rife with possibilities. That’s why in April of this year, Pelco and IBM partnered to create “Pelco Analytics Powered by IBM” in response to a demand for more intuitive and comprehensive security solutions. What is especially exciting about this new era is that existing products, such as Pelco’s Evolution 180 camera, provide an enhanced surveillance experience through the power of intelligent analytics.

According to Pelco’s press release, “The collaboration seamlessly integrates IBM’s deep learning analytics into Pelco’s video management system (VMS), leveraging data from video footage to quickly identify and respond to potential risks or opportunities. The analytics can quickly analyze huge volumes of archived video to identify people and objects of interest, dramatically decreasing the time needed for video forensic analyses.”

For example, the Evolution 180 camera can capture clearer eye-level views in areas like an airport drop-off lane, and with the help of “Pelco Analytics Powered by IBM”, faces and license plates are not only captured, but also interpreted and identified using facial and object recognition capabilities. This helps security administrators and law enforcement officials respond more efficiently to potential incidents, which contribute to safer environments across all industries.

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Pelco provides a wide range of surveillance solutions for nearly any industry, and with “Pelco Analytics Powered by IBM”, it’s clear that the global surveillance provider is determined to pave the way for innovative solutions in this new era. Learn more about their innovative products and services today.

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