IACP Releases Update on Major City Chiefs Survey
ALEXANDRIA, Va.—The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has released the results of its Major City Chiefs survey, which focused on each law enforcement agency’s alarm industry efforts in its particular city. With 36 of 57 agencies responding, the results have been encouraging thus far. There were more than 800,000 permits issued for alarm systems in major cities in 1999, up from more than 600,000 permits in 1997. Sixty-eight percent of respondents have witnessed genuine efforts from the alarm industry for reducing false dispatches. When asked to rate their overall working relationship with the alarm industry during the past three years, chiefs responded positively, with a combined 70 percent ranking their relationship as either “good” or “excellent.” To obtain the complete results of the IACP survey, contact Jennifer Gehring at (301) 585-1855, ext. 109.
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