D-Fend Solutions Enters Agreement with Naval Surface Warfare Center on Drone Tech
Panama City Division for counterdrone technology testing program set to collect data and evaluate EnforceAir C-UAS system’s capabilities.
Panama City Division for counterdrone technology testing program set to collect data and evaluate EnforceAir C-UAS system’s capabilities.
Loyola University Maryland, Universities of Washington and Illinois and El Camino Community College are upgrading their campus security tech.
Ai-RGUS and AirSight are part of PSA’s technology partner roster and Jetbuilt has joined its business solutions provider lineup.
We explore intrusion detection as a means of guarding against potentially malicious intruders and avoiding suspicious cyber activity.
Axon blog says Dedrone acquisition unites two companies with a shared mission to improve public safety and national security.
The FAA has just concluded testing EnforceAir2’s ability to detect, track, and identify potential risks posed by drone threats.
The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump will impact the physical security market, particularly in AI gun detection.
The emergence of drones as tools for smuggling contraband into prison grounds exposes gaps in conventional security systems and protocols.
The newly updated D-Fend Solutions’ EnorceAir2 software incorporates enhancements to the user interface, API and other aspects of the platform.
The newly announced DedroneOnTheMove mobile anti-drone solution from Dedrone utilizes the company’s DedroneSensors and its DedroneDefender handheld jammer to deliver a complete CsUAS DTI-M kill chain.