Departing PSA CEO Bozeman and Successor Barnette Talk Transition
SSI’s Security Speaking podcast explores why PSA has entrusted Matt Barnette, an access control manufacturing veteran, to take the baton from its long-time leader.
SSI Senior Editor Rodney Bosch caught up with PSA CEO Bill Bozeman and Matt Barnette following the recent announcement that Barnette would be stepping into Bozeman’s big shoes as he ends his long tenure with the global systems integrator cooperative.
With more than 30 years of experience in management and executive roles, Barnette most recently served as vice president, physical access control solutions, North America, for HID Global. Formerly, he held the role of president at Mercury Security.
After the successful sale of Mercury to HID Global in October 2017, Barnette maintained the operational responsibility for the Mercury business worldwide, in addition to leading the HID Government Solutions Business (PIV) and the HID Global Accounts organization.
In this interview, SSI Industry Hall of Famer Bozeman and Barnette explain the leadership transition and where Barnette’s deep industry knowledge and skill sets will be leveraged to further the success of PSA in a challenging and evolving marketplace.
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