Fire Alarm Firm Wants to Sever Ties With Trump Taj Mahal Casino
Tozour Energy Systems says Trump Entertainment, which runs the Taj Mahal Casino, owes the fire sprinkler and fire alarm firm more than $250,000.
Tozour Energy Systems says Trump Entertainment, which runs the Taj Mahal Casino, owes the fire sprinkler and fire alarm firm more than $250,000.
Sharing knowledge, wisdom and experiences is the path to continuing to move fire and life safety forward. This goes for innovating products, saving lives and reducing injuries and property loss, as well as running more successful businesses. That’s why conferences like NFPA’s recent Suppression, Detection and Signaling Research and Applications Symposium (SUPDET) are so important. .
SSI‘s latest research shows 10% of fire/life-safety systems contractors are involved in the installation, inspection or testing of water-based suppression systems. For those providers willing to gain the expertise, sprinkling offers a solid growth opportunity.
Annual report addresses fire/life-safety market’s trends, technologies, controversies, codes and opportunities. Learn how fire systems contractors can continue to build on a 20-year run of declining incidents, deaths and injuries.