Trio of Security Integrators Discuss Operating During the Pandemic

In this edition of the Security Speaking podcast, three security integrator leaders dish on staffing, customer service, new technologies and managed services during COVID-19.

For security firms, the pandemic further accentuates the industry’s ultimate mission to help protect people and property. Across the nation, the industry’s resolve has been highly evident. This despite office shutdowns, customer base challenges, and cancellation or virtualization of every security trade show and event since March.

That includes PSA TEC, where for more than 10 years Security Sales & Integration has held an exclusive integrator executive roundtable for publication. Although April’s conference was called off, SSI pressed on with the first virtual edition of the annual mindshare session.

Taking part were Mike Meridith, president of Security Equipment Inc. in Omaha, Neb.; Abe Schwab, vice president of Care Security Systems in New York; and Kekin Shah, president of Shanix Technology in Cranston, R.I.

Not surprisingly, the conversation is dominated by the historic impact of COVID-19. Its effects are discussed in the context of what’s working for security integration businesses today and what’s anticipated down the line.

A condensed version of this roundtable appears in the September issue of SSI, but below you can view the full conversation, listen or download it directly from SSI, or listen to it via your streaming platform of choice.





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