The 30 Top Technology Innovations of 2022
Posted on December 12, 2022·Paul Boucherle, Bob Dolph and Scott Goldfine

Boucherle Pick: Doordeck Keyless Access Control
Doordeck is a Cloud-based mobile credential access control system that leverages existing access control assets, cost effectively and easily upgraded to use NFC technology with iOS and Android to provide smartphone entry to unlock doors. This unique solution sits on top of an existing access control system and enables continued use of a building’s existing access hardware and software. It provides the additional benefit of a mobile-first solution for an enhanced user experience, including visitor management and building door unlock data. Traditionally, the approach would be “rip and replace,” which is messy, expensive and leaves operational holes in your client’s security.
Doordeck’s software-defined technology does not replace but enhances. It’s cost-effective, quick to install and able to be managed remotely from anywhere. Its Cloud infrastructure and open framework is adaptable and enables the fl exibility to integrate into clients’ systems via an SDK and API toolkit. A perfect solution for the customer with a mix of access control systems wanting to aff ordably migrate to new technologies without retooling operation processes.