Louisiana Adopts Standards for Alarm Industry Apprenticeship Program


The Louisiana Life Safety and Security Association (LLSSA), a chartered chapter of the National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association (NBFAA), announces its standards for a state-wide registered apprenticeship program have been approved by the Louisiana Department of Labor’s Apprenticeship Division.

LLSSA Apprenticeship Chairman Ron Foreman credits NBFAA and those who contributed to the development of the first apprenticeship program advanced by the California Alarm Association (CAA).

“We feel that we have now crossed a major hurdle toward a ‘true career path’ via registered apprenticeship in the state of Louisiana,” says Foreman. “Our state is in dire need of a trained employee labor pool, and this new workforce initiative for our industry will go far to meet that need. This accomplishment would not have been possible without the support of the NBFAA and the work of Art Webster, Apprenticeship Program consultant, and the courses developed by California.”

Ron Petrarca, NBFAA Apprentice Committee chairman, added that this is one more step toward having apprenticeship programs in every state.

“Everyone in our industry understands the need to expand the labor pool, to attract the very best technicians, and to provide a mechanism to introduce and train on new products, technologies and applications,” Petrarca says. “Our hope is that all of our chapters will follow Louisiana’s example and provide a foundation that allows technicians to advance in their profession and improve the ability of the industry to recruit, train and retain the very best technicians from a competitive labor pool.”

The standards approved in 2006 serve as a model for developing local apprenticeship programs registered with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship or State Apprenticeship Agency/Council for all occupations listed in the guidelines, according to the U.S. Labor Department. The purpose of the National Guideline Standards is to provide policy and guidance to employers, employer associations and their local affiliates in developing Standards of Apprenticeship for local approval and registration.

NBFAA’s apprenticeship program, which was developed in California, began in 2000 when state law mandated that technicians enroll in a state-approved apprenticeship program. CAA and California Automatic Fire Alarm Association (CAFAA) joined forces to develop a comprehensive and relevant training and education program.

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