Pivot3 Explains How Security Pros Can Move Into World of IoT
Pivot3 Technical Market Director Mike Beevor shares how to move from video surveillance, to a more IoT-centric partnership to drive business value.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably realized that Internet-connected devices are rapidly becoming more prevalent. So you, the security integrator, is probably wondering, “How can I get on the IoT bandwagon?”
At GSX 2018, Pivot3 heard this question many times, according to Mike Beevor, technical market director at the company. So what do you do?
“The answer is quite simple from Pivot3’s point of view,” he told SSI during GSX. “Start with what you know.”
Beevor says you should take your knowledge of video surveillance and use it to help your customers drive business value.
Watch the video above to learn exactly how.
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