Why Your Employees Are Your Most Important Asset

An SSI Hall of Fame member shares why your employees are so important and how to create the best workplace.

According to industry veteran and SSI Hall of Famer Richard Ginsburg, you must realize your employees are your most important asset and treat them as such.

This is his sixth and final key for security companies to succeed in the new world of consumer technology that he shared during his Hall of Fame Educational Webinar presentation. To recap, his five other keys are:

Don’t minimize the impact of your team. Bring them into the fold through communication and give them the ability to experience products and services besides “burglar alarms.”

Instead of letting manufactures and service providers take you out for an expensive lunch, ask for $200 worth of gear that you can put up in the office and demo with your employees.

Everyone likes free stuff, right? Offer your employees discounted or free systems and service so they can experience it on a daily basis. Help them be as passionate as you about the future of our industry.

Watch the video above to learn how to invest in your employees and what you can do to create a better workplace.

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