Between Us Pros: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact is About to Get Real

SNG shows the pace of tech advancements and disruption is accelerating, meaning AI will impact security quicker than trends of the past have.

Between Us Pros: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact is About to Get Real

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Now is the time when seemingly everyone is forecasting what type of business year to anticipate from a revenue, growth and opportunities perspective.

All of us are also discussing the hottest vertical markets, security technologies and services.

We’re all so fortunate to be in an industry that — thanks to the eternal and ever-growing human need for safety and security, the accelerating pace of technological advancements, and the expanding applications of industry solutions for general business, operational efficiency, convenience and “out-of-the-box” innovation — is uncommonly resilient and near impervious to downturns.

I’m not saying you have to try to fail in this business. But, if you come at security with a modicum of entrepreneurial fortitude, sensible leadership and ethical commitment, as well as quality personnel, technical and sales skills, and a customer-centric focus, your company has as good a shot as any for success.

However, if you really want to kick butt and get to the top of your field (and let’s face it, who doesn’t?), you have to be smarter than and/or work harder than the next guy.

That means exposing yourself to as many informational and educational industry sources as possible — especially credible, high-value ones like SSI. (So, you’re already well on your way!). Actively attending events is also essential, given the importance of networking.

SNG: ‘The Security Industry’s Executive Conference’

Although there are too many conferences and expositions on the security calendar for all but the most highly traveled individuals to take it all in — even multiple company representatives would struggle — I highly recommend Securing New Ground (SNG) in New York.

It’s marketed as “The Security Industry’s Executive Conference.” I was fortunate enough to attend SNG for the first time since before the pandemic late last year. Now owned and managed by the Security Industry Association (SIA), SNG was founded in 1996, with what was then Security Sales Magazine as its exclusive media sponsor.

The perspectives of the 200+ senior-level industry leaders presenting and attending SNG lent keen insights into both where the gold lies and where the landmines are in 2024.

Artificial intelligence topped SIA’s annual Security Megatrends report, which was published in December, and was a big topic among SNG attendees. It was number two in 2023, and its impact, momentum and potential are of titanic proportions.

This will reverberate throughout not only security’s products and solutions suite, but, even more significantly, how we all do business, work and live our lives.

Cybersecurity — as it pertains to ensuring networked physical-security solutions do not compromise end users’ systems, as well as to ensuring integrators safeguard their own company and customer data — will continue to predominate planning priorities.

In fact, the exploitation of AI, along with treachery such as deep fakes, is amplifying those threats.

Fortunately — unlike how cyber and data privacy have been more of a nuisance than a business opportunity — AI is going to transform security products, services, installations, tech support, customer interactions and company operations in revolutionary ways.

This will create new capabilities and facilitate leaps in effectiveness and efficiencies, powering new revenue streams.

Security is a Serious Undertaking

None of this will happen overnight. As any security veteran will tell you, this industry tends to lag behind other technology-based sectors. What many overlook is that, first and foremost, security is a serious undertaking that not only safeguards assets but also, even more critically, protects life and limb.

Thus, it is by nature and design a conservative business. Considering what’s at stake, I, for one, hope that never changes, despite humans’ obsession with everything being fast, easy and convenient.

Still, the pace of tech advancements and disruption is accelerating, which means AI will impact security more quickly than trends of the past have. At the same time, customer awareness and demand for the latest tech (including cloud-based offerings) is intensifying, forcing the hand of security providers to step up their game to remain competitive.

As clients and prospects shift how they do business and reinvent themselves, reflect on whether your integration company is keeping up and meeting them where they are today.

Case in point: During SNG’s “A View from the Top” panel, the security director of the world’s largest pizza chain described Domino’s as “a technology company that sells pizza.”

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About the Author

Scott Goldfine Elite, Security Industry Goldfine

Scott Goldfine is Marketing Director with Elite Interactive Solutions, Inc. Prior to joining Elite, he served as Security Sales & Integration’s chief editor for about 25 years.

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