18 Sci-Fi Movies That Basically Invented Biometrics

Biometric technology that once seemed purely fictional is now being used by the masses. Check out the movies that helped inspire it.

18 Sci-Fi Movies That Basically Invented Biometrics

Every movie genre has its own trope. Action movies feature heroes who never miss a shot or have to reload their weapon, while science fiction films frequently include voice identification. And facial recognition. As well as retina scanning, among a host of others.

But have you ever stopped to realize that despite being in a fictional film, many of these biometric technologies now exist?

Who would have ever thought that you would be able to essentially turn your home into your own Starfleet vessel, issuing commands as if you were Captain Kirk.

Everyone now has the ability to have access to their own personal (non-evil) HAL 9000, albeit named Alexa, Siri or Google.

Even something as common as a smartphone now includes a fingerprint scanner that can be used to unlock the device or sign into apps.

It’s easy to not realize how frequently we use biometrics in everyday life when enjoying the escapism of science fiction films.

Technology that we used to dream of existing is now used to access buildings and adjust room temperature.

Curious which biometric technology tends to get used the most? Avatier, an identity management company, tallied up the biometric technologies most commonly used in the biggest science fiction films of the past several decades.

From 2001: A Space Odyssey to Ex Machina, view the slideshow to find out which biometric technology comes out on top.

Is there a biometric technology missing from this list? Let us know in the comments!

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About the Author


Steven A. Karantzoulidis is the Web Editor for Security Sales & Integration. He graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a degree in Communication and has a background in Film, A/V and Social Media.

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